Hermes Birkin handbags are hand-built by experienced craftsmen, one of the primary factors contributing to the high price of all Hermes handbags. It is important to know that you are getting what you pay for when it comes to buying a Hermes Birkin bag. The Hermes Birkin bags are recognized as the ultimate status symbols. And lots of people purchase them at online stores and they think is a best bargain. Customers often do not realize that many of these bags are replicas. So if you are instincts are telling you that the bag is a fake, chances are you are probably right and its best to leave the bag where it lies. With the amount of money you are spending on these items, you want to make sure the bag you are buying is authentic and worth every penny you are spending. Please read the article to learn how to spot a fake Hermes Birkin bag.
Step 1
Hermes Birkin bags are hard to come by, which is why even those that want to purchase a new one, are put onto wait lists. Many used Birkin bags are sold for the retail price, and upwards, due to the fact they are so hard to get by. A new Hermes Birkin bag sells for $6,000, or more (depending on the style and materials used). So if you see a New one being sold for a couple thousand dollars, it’s just a "high quality" fake.
Step 2
The first physical sign that a Hermes Birkin bag may be fake, is the leather. Hermes is very particular with the quality of leather they use, quite simply they only use the best. If you’re unsure about the quality of the leather, it’s definitely a fake.
Step 3
Hermes Birkin bags come with a lock and key. Both the lock and key will say Hermes on them, and they will also come with a matching engraved code.
Step 4
Hermes Birkins are embossed with markings, they do not use a metal nameplate inside (which is common with many fakes).
Step 5
All New Birkins will feature the signature orange dust bag, older used bags may have a tan colored dust bag but they suspended manufacturing those a short while ago and are rarest.
Step 6
Keep in mind that Hermes bags NEVER come with a paper hangtag on them. If you see this in a listing, it’s a fake.